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juneau alaska, alaska, United States

Thursday, June 17, 2010

my camp days

i liked this camp cuz it was fun at times then worse cuz of all the bugs but i liked it here and we learned so many things and have the chance to find out about our culture and history. but i liked all the activities here. and i will come back next year. but then again i missed my parents and my family and friends but i met new friends and was able to do alot of stuff. i will come back for more fun times and meet new people. cant wait!


this gps is what we used here at the camp a lot like we used it when we went to taku inlet, berners bay, the hike at sandy beach, and the hike to the glacier. but by using these gps's it helped us find our way to the right places and learn how to use gps's and have the experiences with them. but it was confusing when i was using it but it got super easy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

taku inlet

on the fourth or third day of this camp we went on a catamaran to taku inlet. on our trip we saw the glacier, a lot of mountains, and a drop off that was really long which was called the scar. we saw killer whales, and a bunch of birds. we sang some tlingit songs with lyle and his wife. but the trip was fun and really cold but it looked like everyone was having a good time.


this camp im at right now is fun cuz you get to meet new people, learn a lot new things, and get to learn a lot about your culture. i've personally learned a lot and met new people. we've did drum routines, tlingit dancing, and a bunch of activities like, frizbee golf, sewing, carving, hiking, etc. but this camp is located in Juneau Alaska. we sleep at the U.A.S dorms and we run in the morning at 7 and where we run in the morning is from the dorms, around the raven and then back. but doing that it helped us all wake up a whole lot more. because on the days when we didn't run it was really hard to stay awake. after we run we go to the cafateria to go eat break fest. then we have our classes: our first class is with the counsiler tha works at jdhs, then we have our tlingit class, after that we have our class were we are making blogs. but i like this camp a lot and i am for sure gonna come back next year.

sandy beach

our trip we took to sandy beach yesterday (jun. 15) and what we did on the trip was way points
. one of our way points was at the old abandoned hospital that was located on the middle of the sandy beach trail. after we got done with the way points we ate dinner and then we did drum routines with lyle and we did some dancing then we had to catch the bus to our last class then finally go to the dorms at u.a.s and finally go to sleep